Empower Clients to Achieve their Financial Goals

Deliver holistic advice, connect progress toward goals with investment performance, and collaborate on goals-based or cash flow planning — all on one powerful, easy-to-use platform.

Advisor working with clients
Orion Planning

Create Personalized Planning Experiences that Clients will Love

65% of clients say they feel more financially stable with a financial plan.1

Leverage Intuitive, Easy-to-Complete Workflows

Collaborate with clients on dynamic plans through quick, easy-to-navigate workflows.

Make Data-Driven Financial Decisions

Ensure your client’s financial wellbeing by running meaningful simulations, addressing hypothetical scenarios, and creating actionable steps.

Deliver Tailored Reports

Dig deeper into your clients’ financial health and future goals with customizable, client-ready reports.

Protect Against Irrational Behavior

Use the latest behavioral finance research to improve outcomes.

Orion Advisor walking on laptop
Free Resource: Whitepaper

Power Your Firm’s Value Prop with a Financial Planning Strategy

You understand the value of financial planning. But do your clients? Effective marketing is the key to a successful financial planning offering.  

In this whitepaper, we’ll show you:

  • What makes financial planning so beneficial for investors with long-term financial goals.
  • How the right financial planning tools create a better financial planning experience.
  • Why you should consider using digital marketing technology to promote your planning service.
Orion Stacks
The Orion Advantage

Do Business the Way You Want.

57% of advisors cite a lack of integration between their core applications as their biggest technology pain point.2 The Orion Advantage Stack is the newest way for you to seamlessly connect all the tools you need to grow your firm. 

Provide clients with a comprehensive view of their full financial picture by including their Financial Planning output with Orion’s reports for an integrated, engaging presentation.

Orion BeFi Tools

The Future of Finance is Behavioral

Unite financial know-how and psychological principles to support clients.


Introduce investors to their money persona and use those insights to launch deeper conversations.

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3D Risk Profile

Understand your client’s risk tolerance on three dimensions so you can create more personalized recommendations.

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Protect, Live, Dream, by building a goal-based investing strategy, designed to help stay the course.

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Drive Growth and Scale
Through Orion Planning

Contact us to see how you can access the financial planning tools you need to strengthen the advisor-client relationship, increase your growth potential, and demonstrate your unique value.

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1Source: https://www.schwab.com/learn/story/5-ways-financial-planning-can-help

2Source: https://digitaledition.investmentnews.com/articles/the-trouble-with-tech-integration