Brian McLaughlin previously served as the President, Orion Advisor Technology. Prior to Orion’s acquisition in June 2022, Brian was the CEO and Co-Founder of Redtail Technology where he worked closely with advisors, broker-dealers, and industry partners for nearly two decades. Through innovation and cooperation, Brian’s touchstone has always been to make the industry a better place for those who depend upon it. He is passionate about the CRM-driven solutions Redtail Technology provides to the financial services community and enjoys getting his hands dirty in the pursuit of continuous innovation. In addition to his behind-the-scenes work on Redtail product development, Brian is also highly respected in the industry at large, as evidenced by his many appearances as an individual speaker or panelist at industry events and through his frequent contributions to publications such as Financial Planning, InvestmentNews, and ThinkAdvisor. When he’s not focused on fintech, Brian loves spending time with his family, all things aviation, Oregon Ducks football, and Legos.