Janus Henderson Investors

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90 Years of Excellence 

Janus Henderson Investors, a leading global active asset manager, has partnered with Orion Portfolio Solutions to offer a full suite of solutions, including single strategies as well as targeted allocation solutions to clients leveraging our unique adaptive allocation and fundamental multi-asset investment teams. For 90 years, we have brought a deep-rooted research culture and strong people-based approach to support our clients in defining and achieving superior financial outcomes. Today, Janus Henderson Investors helps more than 60 million people* invest in a brighter future by offering actively managed strategies designed to outperform passive portfolios over the course of market cycles.

*Figure reflects the estimated number of individuals as of year-end 2022 where either their current assets or future benefits are invested in Janus Henderson investment products, and is based on JHI’s AUM market share by country, the size of the investing population by country, and average account sizes, using industry and government data and internal estimates.

Adaptive Multi-Asset Solutions with
Broad Global Diversification

Janus Henderson manages a plethora of equity, fixed income, alternative, and multi-asset strategies using proprietary, disciplined active management methodologies. Included in the offering is one of Janus Henderson’s flagship strategies, the Balanced Fund (JBALX), which actively balances an allocation between US equity and fixed income securities. 

Available Models

Janus Henderson Balanced (JBALX)

Janus Henderson Global Multi-Asset Aggressive Growth

Janus Henderson Global Multi-Asset Growth 

Janus Henderson Global Multi-Asset Moderate 

Janus Henderson Global Multi-Asset Conservative 

Janus Henderson Global Multi-Asset Capital Preservation 

Janus Henderson Mid Cap Growth 

Janus Henderson Global Sustainable Equity 

Portfolio Construction

Janus Henderson Knowledge Studio

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Wealth Transfer

Learn strategies to prepare and empower your clients for wealth transfer.

The Art of WOW

Discover how to build relationships that create clients for life.

Modern Prospecting

Learn new prospecting methods for today’s evolving landscape.

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Related Content

Balanced Fund Brochure

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Janus Balanced Fund Brochure

SMA Benefits for Estate Planning

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Material presented above was provided by Janus Henderson Investors.

Learn more about Janus Henderson’s model lineup available on Orion Portfolio Solutions 

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Orion Portfolio Solutions, LLC, an Orion Company, is a registered investment advisor. Janus Henderson Investors US, LLC and Orion Portfolio Solutions, LLC (“OPS”) are not affiliated companies.

This information is prepared for general information only. It does not have regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation, and the particular needs of any specific person. This material does not constitute any representation as to the suitability or appropriateness of any security, financial product or instrument. There is no guarantee that investment in any program or strategy discussed herein will be profitable or will not incur loss. Investors should seek financial advice regarding the appropriateness of investing in any security or investment strategy discussed or recommended and should understand that statements regarding future prospects may not be realized. Investors should note that security values may fluctuate and that each security's price or value may rise or fall. Accordingly, investors may receive back less than originally invested. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. Individual client accounts may vary. 

At certain places on our website we offer direct access or 'links' to other Internet websites. These sites contain information that has been created, published, maintained or otherwise posted by institutions or organizations independent of Orion Portfolio Solutions, LLC (Orion Portfolio Solutions). Orion Portfolio Solutions does not endorse, approve, certify or control these websites and does not assume responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information located there. Visitors to these websites should not use or rely on the information contained therein until consulting with their finance professional. Orion Portfolio Solutions does not necessarily endorse or recommend any product or service described at these websites. 

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Compliance Code: 1 8 5 9, Orion Portfolio Solutions, July 29, 2024