Attracting High-Net-Worth Investors
When high-net-worth investors seek a financial advisor, research shows they don’t prioritize performance or surpassing benchmarks as much as advisors may think. Thomas K.R. Wilson, CFA and executive vice president of Wealth Advisory at Orion, shares which attributes wealthy clients look for, such as holistic wealth planning, and how advisors can provide the best experiences for them.

Get the Wealth Advisory Personas Workbook
Aiming to grow your business? Our Wealth Advisory Workbook offers a refined approach. Plus, advisors who engage with our Wealth Advisory team see a 2x increase in close rate of HNW prospects.1
1Source: Proprietary Orion data, as of 11/1/2023.
Orion Portfolio Solutions, LLC, an Orion Company, is a registered investment advisor.
This website is intended for investment professionals only. It is not intended for use by private investors. Wealth Management services offered through Orion Portfolio Solutions, LLC d/b/a Brinker Capital Investments, a registered investment advisor.
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