We made it to the bottom of the ninth in our Advisor Lifecycle Triple Play—and you don’t want to miss our third and final installment, where we highlight one of the most important, and most overlooked, aspects of the advisor-client relationship: Your own personality.

You won’t be wading through psychology jargon or learning about yourself in a lofty, ethereal way. Instead, Orion’s Chief Behavioral Officer, Dr. Daniel Crosby, examines the “Big 5”—the most valid, reliable measures of personality as studied across the world—and offers real-life examples of how each of these traits can help advisors forge long-lasting client relationships.

So what are the “Big 5”? Just think OCEAN: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism.

Let’s consider what both low and high levels of Openness to new experiences actually look like:

Someone on the low end of this spectrum is more practical and conventional, preferring to master excellence in one chosen area and truly own their space rather than explore a wide range of interests. This laser focus can be mistaken for a lack of curiosity.

Someone with a high degree of Openness, on the other hand, is more imaginative and freethinking, ready to explore anything, and willing to approach problems in new, creative ways. This desire for adventure can be mistaken for a lack of focus.

In this powerful on-demand session, you’ll learn how to identify each personality trait, along with its various degrees and nuances, in yourself and others. You’ll also learn how to:

  • Turn what you perceive as weaknesses into strengths
  • Apply personality-driven strategies to practical workplace problems
  • Build a workforce with complementary skills
  • Use the “Z” model of thinking
  • Become the kind of leader your organization deserves
Find out how personality pervades everything you do—and how understanding it can help you become a better advisor. Watch "The Financial Advisor Lifecycle, Part 3: Leadership Begins with You" now!
