Advisor Tech
Wealth Management
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Orion Tech Release Highlights
Check out the latest Orion Tech Release Notes.
For our full Release Notes and Knowledge Articles, go to Orion Connect and open the Orion Support App.
December 2024
Advisor Portal: Automatic Display of Proposal Default Template (12/6)
Reps See the Proposal Default Template Automatically
This usability and efficiency enhancement helps save time for users when building their proposal output by automatically displaying the default template (if one exists) and the associated included and available pages when they reach the Proposal Output step.
- Prior to this change, a rep would have to select a template before any of the output pages would appear.
- After this change, when there is a default template selected in the firm’s internal Admin screen, that template will automatically populate for all reps when they arrive at the Proposal Output step in the workflow.
- Users will have all pages populate and the default template will populate without having to make any selection first.
- This saves the users a few clicks and provides a suggestion for which template to use that the firm’s administrator has set in the Admin screen.
How to get there: Advisor Portal > Create New Proposal > navigate to Proposal Output step
Trading: Eclipse Role Privilege Updates (12/6)
Eclipse Role Privilege Updates
- A new Reset Database Analytics privilege for the Firm Admin role type will control whether users can select Reset All In-Progress Analytics within the Analytics dropdown in the header, and Reset Analytics in the three dot menu on the Overview page.
- Previously, the Refresh Database Analytics privilege was available to all role types and is now limited to Firm Admins.
Trading: TLH for Alternate Securities (12/6)
Tax-Loss Harvesting: Improved Handling of Equivalency Logic for TLH Alternate Securities
Key Improvements
- TLH alternate securities are now recognized as equivalent to targeted securities immediately upon trade creation.
Prevents unintended liquidation of TLH alternates during subsequent trading.
Enhances portfolio accuracy and management.
What's Changing
- Equivalency between TLH alternates and targeted securities is established instantly upon TLH trade completion.
Example: A TLH trade from IBM to MSFT immediately marks MSFT as equivalent to IBM, maintaining intended positions in future trades.
If a TLH trade is deleted, the equivalent security relationship is also removed automatically.
How to get there: Eclipse > Manage Users > Roles
November 2023
Advisor Portal: Trailing Returns Ordering (11/8)
Trailing Returns Ordered from Shortest to Longest on Fact Sheets
We reordered trailing returns on Orion's fact sheets to display from shortest to longest for a more intuitive user experience.
- The new order is QTD, YTD, 1 Year, 3 Years, 5 Years, 10 Years, Since Inception
How to get there: Advisor Portal > Create Proposal > Proposal Step
How to enable: N/A
Advisor Portal: New Household Proposal Page (11/15)
New Household Page for Proposal Output
Tell a more effective story for prospects by using this new, optional proposal page that presents the overall household view of the proposed portfolio across multiple registrations or accounts.
- There is a new RB3 sub-report for the proposal output that displays the asset allocation in a table and pie chart for a client’s overall proposed portfolio. The name of the page is ‘Household Strategy Recommendation’.
- This sub-report outlines the account name, strategy, and amount in a table for each registration within an overall portfolio or household.
- It outlines the asset class by weight and amount in an associated pie chart.
How to get there: Advisor Portal > Clients (in left-hand navigation) > Prospects > proceed to Proposal step > Select the page titled “Total Portfolio Asset Allocation”
How to enable: Advisor Portal (login as Admin) > Proposal Output (in left-hand navigation) > click on Setting gear icon for the “Total Portfolio Asset Allocation” fragment > ensure the checkbox marked “Is Active” is blue with the checkmark and Save
Eclipse: Enhanced Cash Management (11/1)
Enhanced Cash Management for Raise Cash Tool
- Have more control over how excess cash is handled and greater flexibility in managing your cash positions in the Raise Cash tool.
- Enjoy more precise control over portfolio rebalancing during cash-raising operations, and the ability to align cash-raising activities with your specific investment strategy and risk tolerance.
- This update introduces a new preference called "Raise Cash - Include Excess Cash" with three options to suit your specific cash management needs:
No Excess Cash
- Raises only the amount you specify
- Does not touch any excess cash in your account
- Ideal when you want to maintain your current cash position while raising additional funds
All Excess Cash
- Uses all excess cash above your target towards your requested amount
- Applies to cash that is overweight (even if within tolerance) or out of tolerance
- Helps in balancing your portfolios cash position while raising cash
Excess Cash Above Tolerance
- Only uses excess cash if your cash position is both overweight AND out of tolerance
- If these conditions are met, it uses all excess cash above your target
- Provides a balanced approach, only tapping into excess cash when it significantly exceeds your set tolerances
How to enable: Eclipse > Firm, Team, Portfolio, or Account level preferences > search for “Raise Cash - Include Target Cash” and set your preference.
Redtail CRM: View Contact Change Source (10/30)
Ability to view from where a contact change derived
Redtail integrates with hundreds of 3rd party platforms. Often, Redtail users make an update in the context of one of those 3rd party platforms that affects a Redtail contact. It has traditionally been the case that users were only able to see that a change to the Redtail contact was made, not the source of that change. We have enhanced the contact timeline details so that you can now view the source of the change to a contact to enhance the visibility of changes to our users.
How to get there: While in a contact, select the “Timeline” option from the left navigation menu > Select an event to view the Timeline details > View the “Source” field to identify where the change to the contact was derived.
Trading: Add Public Views (11/8)
Eclipse - Add Public Views to Firm Action Items
Users assigned to a Firm Admin role type may begin adding publicly saved views from the Portfolios and Accounts grids to the Firm Action Items Dashboard in Eclipse.
- An “Add Saved View” button is in the Firm Action Items Dashboard, allowing you to add a public view directly from the dashboard. Selecting “Add Saved View” will put the dashboard into edit mode, and add a tile where you can choose Portfolios or Accounts, and then select the public view to add to the dashboard.
- The saved view dropdown on both the Portfolios and Accounts grids includes a link when a public view. Selecting “Add to Firm Dashboard” will add the selected public view to the Firm Dashboard.
- To assign public views to the firm dashboard, the user’s role must have privileges to create public views, and edit dashboard defaults.
How to get there: Eclipse > Firm Action Items > Add Saved View
How to get there: Eclipse > Portfolios > select a public saved view > select the saved view dropdown > Add to Firm Dashboard
How to get there: Eclipse > Accounts > select a public saved view > select the saved view dropdown > Add to Firm Dashboard
Trading: Eclipse - Sleeved Model Tolerance (11/27)
Eclipse Account Details and Portfolio Details Pages Updating to Popup Windows
Beginning November 27, 2024, the Model Tolerance tool in Eclipse will show sleeve strategy and sleeve level data for sleeved portfolios on the platform.
The Sleeve tab within Model Tolerance will include columns for:
- Suffix
Model Name
Current % and $
Target % and $
Difference % and $
Post % and $
The Sleeve Strategy level will include columns for:
- Sleeve Strategy Name
Current % and $
Target % and $
Difference % and $
Post % and $
How to get there: Eclipse > Portfolios > select a sleeved portfolio row > Analyze
Wealth Management Portal: Managed Account Performance (11/20)
Orion Managed Account Performance Details
- Viewing investment performance details within the context of various groupings is one of the most popular aspects of Orion users today. Now this information can be shown in the Orion WM Portal mobile application.
Before this change, advisers could only show clients on the mobile app performance at the household, account or portfolio group levels. Now advisers can customize which additional groupings they wish for clients to view in comparison to any applicable benchmarks (examples: asset class performance, asset category performance, model performance, etc)
This allows advisers to direct clients to the mobile application for convenience when viewing more detailed information about their portfolio’s performance.
How to get there: Orion Wealth Management Portal > Accounts > Managed Accounts > Return > View Performance Details
How to enable:
Orion Client Experience App > Settings > Portfolio > Performance Grouping Options > Choose Selections & Save
Orion Client Experience App > Settings > Portfolio > Asset Level Performance > Save3107-OAT-12/6/2024
October 2024
Advisor Portal: Proposal – Registration Title (10/25)
Money Market Trading in Eclipse
- The name of the registration wasn’t populating at the top of a blended fact sheet, making it difficult for advisors to know which blended fact sheet applied to which registration in a multi-registration proposal.
- We are updating the blended fact sheet so the registration name populates again.
How to get there: Advisor Portal > Clients > Prospects > Blended performance page on step 6 within proposal workflow
Compliance: Pre-Clearance UI Improvements (10/11)
Client Oversight: Pre-Clearance UI Improvements
When users go to the Preclearance alerts grid, filtering, sorting, and reporting will now be enabled and functional.
- Sort, filter, and group data points to refine searches.
- More options to export data.
- CSV, Excel, and Zip reporting are now all functional.
How to get there: Orion Connect > Orion Compliance > Client Oversight > Preclearance
Planning: Dynamic Navigation (10/18)
Dynamic Navigation from Overview to Accounts screen
- Client users in the mobile application will be able to expand the selected area of the Accounts widget when selecting on the Overview. This action will dynamically open the selected
- Accounts subcategory on the Accounts screen. This responsive behavior will create a more intuitive, interactive experience for mobile users.
How to get there: Orion Wealth Management Portal Application (iOS or Android) > Overview > select Accounts subcategory > expanded subcategory in Accounts screen
How to get there: Orion Wealth Management Portal Application (iOS or Android) > Overview > select Managed Accounts > Managed Accounts dashboard
How to enable: Orion Planning > select client > Name > configure access > enable Personal Finances > save.
Redtail: New Sample Workflow Templates (10/4)
Account Aggregation for Fidelity Accounts Now Available through Akoya
- Redtail CRM users who already have access to workflows now have access to a series of helpful workflow templates that act as a starting point for creating a wide range of workflows for you and your office.
- Once a workflow template is brought into a Redtail CRM database, all users within that database will have access to those workflow templates.
How to get there: To access the workflows, simply navigate to the Workflow Templates page by selecting the Manage Your Account option from the dropdown under your name and selecting the Workflow Templates option.
Once on the Workflow Templates page, select Template Library from the New Template dropdown in the top right corner of the page.
All of the available workflow templates will populate on the Import New Templates page.
How to enable: Once on the Import New Templates page, select the templates you’d like to download to create your own templates and select the Import button in the bottom right corner of the page.
Knowledge Article: Sample Workflow Templates
Reporting: New Reporting Privileges (10/4)
New Reporting Privileges
Easily specify a user's Report Tools experience by enabling or disabling these new Reporting privileges for certain roles:
Legacy Reports- Allows a user to utilize RB2 and Standard RB2 Reports
- These were previously included in the Reports privilege. Anyone who currently has the Reports privilege will have the Legacy Reports privilege enabled by default.
Report Theme Custom Styles- Allows the ability to apply CSS in report themes.Any administrator or advisor who currently has the Report Themes privilege enabled will have the new Report Theme Custom Styles privilege enabled by default.
Report Settings- Allows the ability to create and edit global report settings.- These options were previously included in the Report Builder- Advanced Editor privilege, and Report Settings is now its own separate privilege.
Anyone who currently has the Report Builder- Advanced Editor privilege will have the Report Settings privilege enabled by default.
How to get there: Manage Users > edit role > Privileges > Apps > Reporting- Legacy Reports
Manage Users > edit role > Privileges > Advanced > Reporting - Report Theme Custom Styles
Manage Users > edit role > Privileges > Records > Reporting - Report Settings
Trading: Eclipse Model Tolerance Updates (10/11)
Eclipse Model Tolerance Updates
Beginning October 11, 2024, the Model Tolerance tool within Eclipse will be enhanced to include the following updates:
- When a security or level of your model is out of tolerance, the Difference cell in the bottom grid section will be highlighted red for additional awareness. (GM in the screenshot below)
- When considering in or out of tolerance, Equivalent and Alternate securities will be aggregated with the targeted security. For example, WMT is the targeted security in a security set at 25% with a tolerance of +/- 5%, and current % of 5.51%. COST is an equivalent for WMT, and COST has a current % of 18.31%. When summing the current weightings (5.51% for WMT + 18.31% for COST), WMT will be considered within tolerance.
- In the Model Tolerance graph, equivalent and alternate securities will no longer be shown, but they will continue to show nested below the targeted security, with their corresponding tags in the bottom grid of Model Tolerance.
- Model Tolerance will show an account current holding dollar and percent values when no model is assigned.
How to get there: Eclipse > Portfolios > Select a portfolio with a model assigned > Analyze > Model Tolerance
How to get there: Eclipse > Accounts > Select an account with a model assigned > Analyze > Model Tolerance
How to get there: Eclipse > Orders > Select an order with a model assigned > Analyze > Model Tolerance
September 2024
Client Portal Mobile App: Enhanced Feedback Submission (9/6)
Enhanced App Feedback Submission: Upload Screenshots
We value the input we receive from advisors and end investors to improve our mobile application. Users can now upload one or several screenshots when submitting issues or suggesting improvements to our app’s functionality.
How to get there: Orion Wealth Management Portal > Menu > Tell Us About Your App Experience
How to enable: Automatically enabled for any adviser or client who is logged into our mobile application.
Compliance: Client Oversight (9/20)
Client Oversight — UI Changes
Continuing to enhance the user experience in Client Oversight
- Spacing, fonts, and colors are more consistent throughout the module.
- Tooltips are more concise and take up less space allowing the user to view key information.
How to get there: Orion Connect > Orion Compliance > Client Oversight
Eclipse: Add saved views to My Action Items (9/13)
Add saved views from the Portfolios and Accounts grids in Eclipse to My Action Items
On September 27, 2024, a new feature will allow you to add saved views from the Portfolios and Accounts grids in Eclipse to ‘My Action Items’ on your Eclipse Dashboard.
- Your saved view must include at least one filter applied through the Filters flyout on the grid.
- Add a saved view to your dashboard by selecting My Action Items > Add Saved View > Choose Portfolio or Account > select your saved view in the dropdown > Save
- You can also add a saved view to your dashboard through the Portfolios or Accounts grid. After choosing a view with at least one filter applied, click the Save or Update View button next to your saved view name, and choose Add View to Dashboard.
How to get there: Eclipse > Overview > My Action Items > Add Saved View
- How to get there: Eclipse > Portfolios > Save and Update View > Add View to Dashboard
How to get there: Eclipse > Accounts > All Accounts > Save and Update View > Add View to Dashboard
Financial Planning: Add Trusts as Estate Planning Beneficiaries (9/6)
New Billing App grids get cell range selection to support ‘Sum’ and ‘Average’ insights
All grids in the Billing app have been updated to allow you to select cells and dynamically gain additional insights on the data selected, including ‘Sum’ and ‘Average’.
- The new footer will only return the relevant information based upon the cell data you’ve selected.
- Select cell ranges across multiple columns to dissect that data in any way you need.
- Use familiar keyboard navigation to select cells
- Shift + Ctrl + Arrow Up or Arrow Down keys will select all cells above or below
- Shift + Ctrl + Arrow Left or Arrow Right keys will select all cells to the left or right
- Ctrl + A will select all cells on the grid
- A terminology adjustment was required for implementation. ‘Count’ previously reflected the total rows selected that you could act against. ‘Count’ will now reflect the amount of cells you have highlighted. ‘Selected’ has been added and will now represent the total number of rows the user has selected to interact with.
How to get there: Orion Connect > Billing App > any grid in the app
Trading: Add Saved Views to Eclipse (9/27)
Add Saved Views to Your Eclipse Dashboard
Add saved views from the Portfolios and Accounts grids in Eclipse to My Action Items on your Eclipse Dashboard.
- Your saved view must include at least one filter applied through the Filters flyout on the grid.
- Add a saved view to your dashboard by selecting My Action Items > Add Saved View > Choose Portfolio or Account > select your saved view in the dropdown
- You can also add a saved view to your dashboard through the Portfolios or Accounts grid. After choosing a view with at least one filter applied, click the Save or Update View button next to your saved view name, and choose Add View to Dashboard.
How to get there: Eclipse > My Action Items > Add Saved View
How to get there: Eclipse > Portfolios > Save and Update View > Add View to Dashboard
How to get there: Eclipse > Accounts > All Accounts > Save and Update View > Add View to Dashboard
August 2024
Cloud Data: Payout Rates and Schedules (8/16)
New Data Sets for Payout Rates and Schedules
Effortlessly review payout rates and schedules with these new data sets:
- vw_PayoutSchedule
Orion Connect Views for these Data Points:
- Billing Audit → PayoutSchedules → General (includes all fields from UI list)
- Billing Audit → PayoutSchedules → Payout Rates
- Billing Audit → PayoutRates → General (includes all fields from UI list)
- Billing Audit → PayoutRates → Structure
Knowledge Article: Datashare - Payouts
Learn more about Payouts: How-To and Overview: Payout Rates & Payout Schedules
Communities: Proposal Data Packages (8/9)
Proposal Data Packages
We are excited to announce that Communities now offers Proposal Data Packages to our Communities Strategists! This new offering provides strategists with a comprehensive data set that includes information on participating firms that have run proposals for your Communities models. By leveraging this data, you can gain valuable insights into your clientele, enabling you to connect directly with those interested in your models and expand your subscriber base within the Communities platform.
- Key Features:
New Dashboard Functionality: Quickly view proposal generations with an intuitive dashboard.
Comprehensive CSV Export: Access detailed data sets on prospective clients who have run proposals against your Communities models.
How to get there: Communities > Dashboard > Proposals > Export
How to enable: Reach out to the Communities service team to learn how to opt into Proposal Data Packages
Compliance: Client Data (8/9)
Client Data — Accounts, Trades, Holdings
When users now go to the Client Oversight to import or review client data, they will now be met with a more streamlined experience. Client account, trade, and holdings data are now broken out into three separate tabs thy user can easily switch between.
- Three new sections on the Client Data tab in Client Oversight. (Accounts, Trades, Holdings)
- Users can toggle between each section and see data more easily instead of having to sift through all data points on one page.
- If a review or import takes place, users will spend less time searching for what they need.
How to get there: Orion Connect > Orion Compliance > Client Oversight > Client Data
Eclipse: Tax Loss Harvesting Swap Back (8/9)
Tax Harvesting Swap Back Short-Term Gain Threshold
We're excited to introduce a new feature that gives you more control over your Tax Loss Harvesting strategy. This update allows for smarter management of TLH alternates after the initial 30-day wash period.
Key Features:
- New Preference: "TLH Swap Back STG Threshold"
- Available at Firm, Team, Model, and Portfolio levels
- Set a maximum Short-Term Gain (STG) threshold in $ or %
Intelligent Liquidation Logic:
- Respects the 30-day wash period
- Evaluates short-term gains against your set thresholdD
- Delays TLH alternate liquidation if STG exceeds the threshold
- Automatically liquidates when: a) STG falls below the threshold, or b) The lot becomes long-term
- Proceeds with normal liquidation if no short-term gain exists
Special Handling for Model Equivalents:
- TLH alternates that are also model equivalents are not liquidated after 30 days
How It Works: After the wash period, the system checks your TLH alternates. If a short-term gain exists and exceeds your set threshold, liquidation is postponed. This helps minimize short-term capital gains while maximizing tax-loss harvesting benefits.
How to get there: Navigate to preferences at the firm, team, model, or portfolio level and look for the new "TLH Swap Back STG Threshold" option
Eclipse: Model Tolerance Updates (8/16)
Eclipse Model Tolerance Updates
- Enjoy a better user experience when referencing the Model Tolerance tool through Analyze on the Portfolios, Accounts and Orders grids.
- Excluded Cash Target and Excluded Cash Amount replaced the Set Aside Cash Target dollar amount currently shown in Model Tolerance. Using the radio button for Percent and Dollars will also update the excluded cash to show as a percent or dollar value.
- Non-targeted securities held in an account will include a tag so for you to easily identify these security types going forward. The tags and security type they apply to:
! Excluded security
* Unassigned security
~ Alternate security
- Equivalent security
How to get there: Eclipse > Portfolios > select an account with a model assigned > Analyze
How to get there: Eclipse > Accounts > select an account with a model assigned > Analyze
How to get there: Eclipse > Orders > select an account with a model assigned > Analyze
Eclipse: Model Deviation (8/30)
Model Deviation for Portfolios and Accounts in Eclipse
There are new columns to show model deviation in the Portfolios and Accounts grids in Eclipse, as well as the Portfolio and Account details pages. This allows you to see the overall deviation for a sleeve or portfolio at a specific model level.
- The new columns cover each level that you may use for models in Eclipse:
- Category Deviation
- Class Deviation
- Subclass Deviation
- Security Set Deviation
- New columns for Security Deviation and Sleeve Deviation are also available.
- Example of deviation is calculation:
How to get there: Eclipse > Accounts > All Accounts > Columns > search Deviation %
How to get there: Eclipse > Portfolios > Columns > search Deviation %
Reporting: Report T-Bill Interest Value (8/2)
New Activity Option in Report Settings Allows Reporting of T-Bill Interest Value
- Show Treasury Bill interest value on client-facing reports. Users with report and sub-report builder access are able to display Short Term OID interest value on reports.
- There’s a new option in the Activity Settings to include Short Term OID Interest. If a Treasury Bill is found to have a Short Term Discount Obligation because the owner bought it at a premium, this difference amount is represented at the custodian as interest.
- This new Activity Option is available for client reporting. Use this new setting option to include this as its own transaction type in reporting. It will be bucketed under interest to match how it is taxed.
Additional Note: These interest values are calculated for certain product types along with other factors such as 0 coupon rate and have been populated for all depletion-type transactions historically.
How to get there: Orion Connect> Reporting> Report Settings> Activity > Edit > Find any activity you want to represent this transaction on > check the box to Include Short Term OID Interest1897-OAT-7/31/2024
July 2024
Advisor Portal: Cloud Data – Redshift Data Sharing (7/5)
Exciting News: Payable summary report is available for execution as a custom query via Redshift
Four audit files are created every time you run a bill, whether it's a live or forecast bill. You must review and reconcile them to ensure that the fees calculated are accurate.
Payable summary report is a vital tool for ensuring the financial health and operational efficiency of a financial advisory company. It supports accuracy, compliance, financial management, fraud prevention, operational efficiency, and strategic decision-making.
We are thrilled to announce that now, a payable summary report is available for execution as a custom query via Redshift for all our data sharing consumers.
Eliminate the need for multiple resources of sifting through numerous live bills at the end of each quarter. The new query automates the process of filtering data to your needs across all your firms to determine payouts, saving you significant time and effort.
Key Benefits:
- Effortless Data Consolidation: Streamline the process of consolidating data across various advisors and multiple firms.
- Time Savings: Save hours of manual work with automated, accurate, and comprehensive payables data at your fingertips.
- Improved Efficiency: Enhance your financial operations with easy access to detailed payable summaries, reducing the need for manual data handling.
How to Access:
Go to below link to access AWS Redshift data share data dictionary
Go to Custom Queries: Billing Audit -> payable summary report
Stay tuned for updates on our upcoming releases, which will include the remaining audit files soon.
Advisor Portal: 3-Dot Menu in Proposed Accounts (7/26)
Three Dot Menu Option in the Proposed Accounts Step
We are introducing a new three dot menu for allocation options on the Proposed Accounts step of the proposal/new account workflow. This will automatically appear for all firms. This is being introduced to save space on the right side of the allocation options to enhance user interface functionality.
Users will find the delete and nickname functions within the three dot menu, along with any other features their firms use that previously lived on the right side.
Billing: Simplified Management of Pending Fee Transactions (7/25)
Simplified Management of Pending Fee Transactions
The new entity option, ‘Create Pending Fees’ combines the logic for the 'Create Pending for Direct/Indirect Pay Methods' and 'Create Pending Fees’ entity options, and has four choices:
- None: No pending fee transactions will be created.
- All Accounts: This function replicates the functionality if both 'Create Pending for Direct/Indirect Pay Methods' and 'Create Pending Fees for all accounts' are enabled. It creates pending transactions for both sleeved and non-sleeved accounts.
- All Sleeved Accounts: Creates pending transactions only for sleeved accounts, excluding non-sleeved accounts.
- Managed Sleeves: Creates pending transactions for specific sleeved accounts while excluding certain account types, such as contribution, distribution, or CNX sleeve accounts.
Automated Updates:
- If both previous options were off, the new setting defaults to "None."
- If both previous options were on, it defaults to "All Accounts."
- If only "Create Pending for Direct/Indirect Pay Methods" was on, it defaults to "Managed Sleeves."
How to Get There: Orion Connect > Firm Profile > Billing Section.
How to Enable: To enable the "Create Pending Fees" option, please contact the SME Team for assistance activating your firm's entity option.
Billing: Simplified Management of Pending Fee Transactions (7/26)
Simplified Management of Pending Fee Transactions
We’ve developed a new entity option, "Create Pending Fees," to combine the old entity options, "Create Pending for Direct/Indirect Pay Methods" and "Create Pending Fees," into a single, more streamlined user experience.
Automated Updates:
- If your database had both the old options disabled, it has been mapped to the new entity option’s selection as "None."
- If your database had both previous options enabled, it has been mapped to the new entity option as "All Accounts."
- If your database had only the "Create Pending for Direct/Indirect Pay Methods" entity option enabled, it has been mapped to the new option with the selection of "Managed Sleeves."
Options Explained:
- None: No pending fee transactions will be created.
- All Accounts: This option replicates the functionality of both 'Create Pending for Direct/Indirect Pay Methods' and 'Create Pending Fees for all accounts.' It creates pending transactions for both sleeved and non-sleeved accounts.
- Managed Sleeves: Creates pending transactions for specific sleeved accounts while excluding certain account types, such as contribution, distribution, or CNX sleeve accounts.
- All Sleeved Accounts: Creates pending transactions only for sleeved accounts, excluding non-sleeved accounts. This is a new enhancement introduced with the entity option selection.
How to Get There: Orion Connect > Firm Profile > Billing Section.
How to Enable: To enable the "Create Pending Fees" option, please contact the SME Team for assistance in activating your firm's entity option.
Eclipse: Transition Model Management to Eclipse (7/5)
Transition Model Management to Eclipse with One Click!
- Clients transitioning their model management from Orion Connect to Eclipse will now be able to do so with one click!
- This process is still facilitated by SME Trading. However, it will take more time to refresh your coffee than for our team to create your Orion Connect Models as Eclipse Security Sets, your Orion Connect Model Aggregates as Eclipse Models, and map the two.
- This allows you to preserve your account assignments and all performance associated with your model aggregates when moving to Eclipse. After this transition, you will continue to manage and create models in Eclipse!
Contact the SME Trading team for more information.
Eclipse: Tactical - Equivalent Security Actual Allocation Display (7/19)
Tactical – Equivalent Security Actual Allocation Display for Securities Equivalent to Multiple Target Nodes
Users can now view the actual allocated value for each targeted security when using equivalents that are distributed across multiple targeted securities.
This information is accessible in the existing equivalent security popup by clicking on the blue hyperlink in the “Targeted Ticker” column of holding & trade details.
This enables more accurate trade decisions by providing clearer insights into security allocations, and enhances transparency in model management and rebalancing processes.
How It Works:
- The displayed values are calculated based on your chosen Security In Multiple Areas Of Model Distribution Method (Pro-Rata or Most Underweight).
- These values reflect how the rebalancer distributes allocations among equivalent securities.
How to get there: Tactical > holding & trade details component > find a security that is equivalent to multiple targeted positions > click on the blue hyperlink in the targeted ticker column > see the EQ Allocation $
Reporting: Quick Filters in RMD Dashboard (7/12)
Quick Filters Added to RMD Dashboard
Quickly filter each column of the RMD Dashboard by hovering over a column header and clicking on the hamburger menu on that column.
To reset filters you can go to the Actions drop down menu and click on Reset Filters.How to get there: Orion Connect> RMD Dashboard
June 2024
Client Portal: Enhanced Client Portal Disclaimer (6/7)
Enhanced Client Portal Disclaimer to Allow for Greater Flexibility
- Enjoy more flexibility in how your disclaimers are displayed in the client portal.
- Create longer disclosures and customize disclosures at various levels (Firm, Broker Dealer, Representative, and Client) for your clients.
- This enhancement significantly helps when you have different books of businesses in one database that need different disclaimers.
How to get there: Orion Connect > Client Portal > Disclaimer at the bottom of the page
How to enable: Orion Connect > Client Experience > Settings > Global > Portal Disclaimer (turns it on/off) and Disclaimer Text (controls the text displayed)
Client Portal: Sorting Accounts (6/7)
Ability to Now Sort Accounts in the Left Sidebar
- Easily view and search for accounts in the client portal by sorting them by Name, Account Number, and Value on the left sidebar.
How to get there: Orion Connect > Client Portal > Personal Finances
How to enable: Orion Connect > Client Experience > Settings > Account Sort Order
Client Portal: Money Market Performance (6/14)
Show Money Market Performance Setting
- Choose whether to show or hide money market performance details in the client portal.
- Use Case: If clients have a small holding in money markets the performance numbers can be a distraction to the overall performance of the portfolio. The shown/hidden option gives you more flexibility in how you display performance information in the client portal.
How to get there: Orion Connect > Client Portal > Personal Finances > Performance > Performance Details
How to enable: Orion Connect > Client Experience > Client Settings > Portfolio > Show Money Market
Eclipse: Paste Values to Filter (6/21)
Paste Values to Filter
- Grid filters will be updated to include a new process to apply filters.
- Previously, after selecting the import icon, you could choose to import a file containing a list of items for filtering. A new section is now included in the import popup to allow you to paste in a list of items for filtering.
How to get there: Eclipse > Accounts > All Accounts > Filter > Choose a column to filter > Import > Paste a list of values How to get there: Eclipse > Portfolios > Filter > Choose a column to filter > Import > Paste a list of values
Portfolio Interactions: Enhanced Filtering in Portfolio View (6/21)
Enhanced Filtering and Searching in Portfolio View Grid Cards
- Search now includes underlying groupings (ex: Search for an Asset Class and see underlying assets).
- Right-click in Grid to access Actions.
- Use the hamburger menu in the column header to access additional actions, filtering, and column controls. This is accessible from any column.
- Column Actions menu
- Column Filters menu allows for two filters to be applied to a column vs. the previous filtering, which only allowed for one.
- Column availability menu
How to get there: Portfolio View > Any Detail Grid Card
Reporting: Alternative Vintage Year Grouping (6/14)
Alternative Vintage Year Grouping Added for Sub-Reports
- Users with Sub-Report Builder access will see a new grouping available in sub-reports when editing or building a grouping table: Alternative Vintage Year grouping.
- With this new grouping option, show your client's values based on the vintage year of each asset.
How to Get There: Orion Connect > Reporting > Sub-reports > Edit existing or create new sub-report > Grouping Options
Reporting: "Portfolio Group Type" Tag (6/14)
New Tag for "Portfolio Group Type" Available for Reports
- Display or filter various types of Portfolio Groups on client facing reports. Users with access to build and edit sub-reports will now see Portfolio Group Type available as a tag.
- When creating a portfolio group, select Composite, Reporting, and/or Trading. For reporting purposes, some users only want to include certain groups and not others.
How to get there: Orion Connect > Reporting > Sub-reports > Create New or Edit existing Sub-Report> Add Table > Add Tag (@portfolio group type)
Trading: Eclipse — Run Analytics with Save (6/14)
Eclipse — Run Analytics with Save
On June 14, 2024 there will be an update in Eclipse to run analytics when “Save” or “Save and Close” is selected on the Account Details and Portfolio Details pages.
- Today when updates are made to Account or Portfolio Details, the portfolio gets set to a “Needs Analytics” status, requiring users to run analytics.
- With this change, analytics will run when the account or portfolio update is saved, eliminating the need to manually run analytics to capture account and portfolio updates.
How to get there: Eclipse > Accounts > All Accounts > Right-click an account > Edit Account Details How to get there: How to get there: Eclipse > Portfolios > Right-click a portfolio > Edit Portfolio
May 2024
Astro: Enhanced Optimization (5/24)
Enhanced ASTRO Optimization
As mentioned in the release notes previously, this enhancement is now enabled automatically for all firms.
Run additional optimization types such as raise cash or spend cash optimization in Eclipse.
Also, override parameters such as constraints, tax-aware section, transaction costs, tracking errors, and harvest lost settings for TLH optimizations directly in the Accounts grid.
How to get there:
Single opt overrides in Eclipse: All accounts >select astro accounts > right click > Astro > single opt
Tax Loss Harvest optimization overrides in Eclipse: All accounts > select Astro accounts > right click > Astro > TLH opt)
Spend cash optimization overrides in Eclipse: All accounts > select astro accounts >right click > Astro > Spend cash opt
Withdraw Cash optimization overrides in Eclipse: All accounts > select astro accounts > right click > Astro > Withdraw Cash optimization
Billing: New Consolidated Billing App (5/28)
Enjoy an enhanced billing experience! The new billing app consolidates core billing functionalities into a single, streamlined platform, significantly reducing manual effort and enhancing efficiency.
- Simplified Processes: Billing processes are simplified with better tools for administrators and advisors.
Automation: Key processes are automated, improving accuracy and efficiency.
Intuitive Tools: Provides user-friendly tools for auditing, bill generation, and management.
User-Friendly Interface: Features a modern and intuitive interface for easy use.
Improved Management: Advisors can manage billing tasks more efficiently, ensuring timely and accurate fee processing.
Key Updates:
- Optimized Bill Generation Wizard and Automation
Audit History Changes
Cash Flow Automation
Billing Compare Tool
Enhanced Grid and Filtering Options
Please Note: Users will continue to be able to access the current Billing experience in addition to the new experience
How to get there: Orion Connect > Billing
How to enable: Turn on the user privileges outlined in the Setup Requirements section in the article below.Knowledge Article: Billing App Overview
Client Portal: AXOS Custodial Statements Available (4/26)
AXOS Custodial Statements Now Available in the Client Portal
Clients and advisors will now be able to access their AXOS custodial statements in the Orion Client Portal.
Clients and advisors will now no longer need to log into the custodian’s site to access things like their monthly statements, tax documents, etc.
Allowing clients the ability to access everything they need in one portal is a preferred experience by clients.
How to get there: Orion Connect > Client Portal > Document Vault > AXOS Documents
How to enable: Reach out to the Integrations SME Team to turn this feature on
Client Portal: Customizable Report Date Ranges (4/26)
Customizable Date Range Options for Ad Hoc Reports in the Client Portal
- Users can now choose from up to 10 different date range options for clients to be able to run ad hoc reports for in the client portal.
- Additional flexibility around client level reporting makes for an overall better client experience.
How to get there: Orion Connect > Client Portal > Reports > Portfolio Reports
How to enable: Orion Connect > Client Experience > Settings > Portfolio > Date Range Options
Communities: Email Notification Capability
Ability to Add Email Address(s) to the Communities Notification Center
Strategists and subscribers now have the ability to add one or more email addresses to notification preferences (emails separated by a semicolon).
By allowing users to opt in/out of individual notification types, this feature allows users to receive Communities notifications via email and the in-app notification system.
How to get there: Communities >Notifications > Cog Wheel > Email Address
How to enable: Communities >Notifications > Cog Wheel > Email Address > Enter Valid Email Communities >Notifications > Cog Wheel > Email tab > Enable/Disable Individual Notifications1348-OAT-5/29/2024
Eclipse: Create Saved Views (5/3)
Eclipse: Create Saved Views in the Tactical Tool
As previously communicated in the March 1st Release Note, we will be adding functionality to create multiple saved views within the Tactical Tool. Similar to how saved views work for other pages in Eclipse, within the Tactical Tool you will be able to set views as public or private, as well as specify a default view that loads when Tactical is launched.
Saved views will be added to the Tactical Tool on May 10, 2024. Please note that as part of this change, existing saved layouts in the Tactical Tool will be reset to the default layout for the Tactical Tool and you will need to re-create the layout and save it as a view. We will also be removing the Portfolio Details button located at the top of the Tactical Tool, as the details shown in that popup are available on the Portfolio Details page which can be accessed using the Portfolio ID link.
If you have a saved layout in Tactical today, please export your existing layout before 8:00PM EDT/5:00PM PDT on Thursday, May 9th to help with re-creating your layout as a saved view beginning on May 10th. Within the Model Tolerance section of Tactical, select one level of the model, go to Actions and select Export. Repeat that process for each level so you can see what columns you have included. Those exports will also include a tab for Holding and Trade Details and Account and Cash Details which you can reference to re-create your layout.
How to get there: Eclipse > Portfolios > right click a portfolio > Trade Tools > Tactical Tool > Views
Eclipse: View Account Details in Orion Connect (5/10)
Eclipse: View Account Details in Orion Connect via SSO
We recently added new functionality in Eclipse which allows you to launch Account Details in Orion Connect via single sign on. The new View Account Details in OC link is available from the following locations in Eclipse:
- On the Accounts grid
- Right click an account > View Account in OC
- Select an account on the grid > Actions > View Account in OC
- Within Account Details
- Actions > View Account in OC
- On the Portfolios grid
- Expand a portfolio > right click an account > View Account in OC
- Within Portfolio Details
- Select the Accounts tab > right click an account > View Account in OC
- Within the Tactical Tool
- Account and Cash Details > right click an account > View Account in OC
- Account and Cash Details > select an account > three dot menu > Account and Cash Details
Eclipse: In-Line Edits for Account Do Not Trade Status (5/17)
Eclipse: In-line Edits for Account Do Not Trade Status
The Account Do No Trade column on the Accounts grid will be updated to allow for in-line edits for users that are permissioned to edit accounts in Eclipse.
After adding the Account Do Not Trade column to the Accounts grid, selecting the current trade status for an account will put the cell into edit mode, and show the other available statuses for you to choose from.
In addition to in-line edits for this column, we’ve also updated the right click menu for users who are permissioned to edit accounts to include the ability to change the Do Not Trade status. You can select a single account, or multiple accounts on the grid, right click a selected account and mouse to Do Not Trade to change the status.
How to get there: Eclipse > Accounts > All Accounts > add Account Do Not Trade column
How to get there: Eclipse > Accounts > All Accounts > right click an account > Do Not Trade
Eclipse: User Experience Updates (5/24)
Eclipse User Experience Updates
Enjoy these updates for a better user experience in Eclipse:
- A new Model Tags column in the Portfolios and Accounts grids.
- Edit directly in the Restricted Plans column on the Accounts grid.
- After adding the Restricted Plans column to the Accounts grid, you can click the cell so that it changes to edit mode, and search for a Restricted Plan, or select one from the list to assign to the account.
- The new “Create account and portfolio notes as display notes by default” firm preference for notes allows Firm Admins to control whether “Display Note” is checked by default when creating new account and portfolio notes in Eclipse.
How to get there: Eclipse > Portfolios > Columns > Model Tags
How to get there: Eclipse > Accounts > All Accounts > Columns > Model Tags
How to get there: Eclipse > Accounts > All Accounts > Columns > Restricted Plans
How to get there: Eclipse > Administration > Preferences > Firm > Notes
Financial Planning: PulseCheck Action Steps (5/3)
PulseCheck Generating Action Steps
We've just made goal-setting smarter in Pulsecheck! Now, when you create a goal, our system automatically generates action steps to help either fully fund your goal or remind you to reassess fulfillment within the wellness category that originated the goal upon completion. Start planning with ease and watch your goals take shape with practical, guided actions.
How to get there: Orion Connect > Orion Planning > Goals Input > PulseCheck > Action steps
How to enable: Reach out to the *Financial Planning Service Team * for assistance
Financial Planning: PulseCheck PDF Deliverable (5/3)
PulseCheck PDF Deliverable
Streamline your BeFi reporting with PulseCheck's new PDF deliverable. You can now generate a PDF deliverable directly from the PulseCheck interface, perfect for client presentations and record-keeping.
How to get there: Orion Connect > Orion Planning > Print PDF
How to enable: Reach out to the *Financial Planning Service Team * for assistance
Financial Planning: Estate Planning Cost Basis Step-Up (5/10)
Estate Planning: Cost Basis Step-up
Cost basis step-ups are a critical component of tax and estate planning. This influences many decisions about portfolio allocation and rebalancing, and can significantly impact the decedent’s heirs. We made this enhancement to provide a more accurate picture of the impact of cost basis step-ups at passing.
This enhancement solves the problem of manually calculating and adjusting cost basis for asset valuation in taxable accounts, which can be complex and time-consuming, especially with differing state laws.
This improves the reporting and modeling process and allows advisors more confidence in presenting estate planning scenarios to their clients.
How to get there: Orion Connect > Orion Planning > Balance Sheet
Mobile App: Simplified Navigation Icons (5/20)
Rearrangement of Lower Icon Selection for Future Development
- Orion’s mobile application has simplified the navigation icons at the bottom of the mobile app to maximize the user’s experience
- Newsfeed area can now be found within the overview icon.
How to get there: Orion Wealth Management Portal > Login
How to enable: Automatically in effect for all mobile app users
Orion Connect: Global Custodian Field on Custodian (5/17)
Global Custodian Field On Custodian For Enhanced Maintenance Controls
Orion is adding a field for 'Global Custodian' to the list of custodians in Firm Profile to better handle various maintenance and internal metric requirements.
Because each firm can customize a list of custodians unique to their database, being able to associate each local custodian record to a fixed list of Global Custodians allows Orion to better identify a consistent custodian associated with each account, while still continuing to allow Advisors to customize their Custodial list to meet unique advisor needs.
Over the next several weeks, Orion will assign a Global Custodian to the majority of custodian records set up in your database and will require new custodian records that are created to be associated with a Global Custodian. In the future Orion will also require any custodians that are edited to have the Global Custodian field set.
If you need a Global Custodian option listed, please reach out to the SME Products & Prices team with your request.
How to get there: Orion Connect > Firm Profile > Custodian
Trading: Model Tags (5/3)
Model Tags
We recently completed new development for Model Tags. Previously, tags could be added to models in Eclipse, and now tags can be added to Model Aggregates in Orion Connect.
- The Model Aggregates grid and Model Aggregate Details page now include a field for Tags
- Tags can be added to models in Eclipse, and are now included in the model reverse sync to Orion Connect.
- For model aggregates tied to an Eclipse Model ID, you can view model tags on the Model Aggregate Details page.
- For models aggregates not tied to an Eclipse Model ID, you can view, add and edit tags on the Model Aggregate Details page.
How to get there: Eclipse > Strategies > Models > View or Edit Model
How to get there: Orion Connect > Models > Model Aggregates > Model Aggregate Details
April 2024
Astro: Cash Optimization Tools Available in Eclipse (4/22)
ASTRO Cash Optimization Tools Available in Eclipse for all firms
Introducing ‘Use new Astro service’ Feature flag (Previously Raise cash optimization and spend cash optimization options were only available in Astro advance. The new feature flag "Use new Astro service” will let advisors run these optimization types in Eclipse UI. In addition to that we are also introducing the option for overriding parameters used in optimization which was only available in Astro Advance before.)
- Eventually we are moving all Astro advance functionalities into Eclipse to provide a more coherent experience to Advisors. They can use one application (Eclipse) for both Eclipse and Astro functionalities. This feature flag is the first step towards it.
- This will let the advisors use one single application instead of moving back and forth with two separate apps to run different types of optimizations. Today in Eclipse advisors can only run regular optimization and TLH optimization. This new functionality will let the users run Raise Cash optimization and Spend cash optimization in Eclipse too.
- We have also replaced the legacy end points used in Eclipse for regular optimization and TLH optimization with the new Astro microservice end points which will give additional loggings to help the developers get more visibility to issues if anything comes up in future.
- Option for overriding parameters for different types of optimizations were only available in Astro Advance; this new functionality will provide advisors the option to do this in Eclipse UI.
- In order to get this functionality available in firms, Use new Astro service flag needs to be enabled. This is an Eclipse preference which will be enabled for all firms.
How to get there: Orion Connect > Eclipse > All accounts > Select one or more Astro accounts > Right Click OR Orion Connect > Eclipse > Astro Alert > Select one or more accounts > Right Click
Cloud Data: AWS Redshift Data Sharing Transition (4/12)
AWS Redshift Data Sharing — Transition to New Account (4/12)
We would like to extend our gratitude for your support and cooperation during our recent migration phase (4/8 - 4/11).
We wish to remind you that, as previously communicated, access to the legacy data share has been permanently discontinued from 4/12/2024.
For those firms still utilizing the legacy system, or those yet to complete the migration to the new data platform, we have provided a detailed guide to facilitate your transition, in our previous communications. Please get in touch with your relationship manager if you don't have that document.
Should you encounter any challenges or require further assistance, do not hesitate to contact cloudDataSupport . Our team will offer individual support to ensure a smooth transition for such cases. Once again, thank you for your prompt attention to this.
Communities: Alternative Tolerance Bands (3/25)
Ability to Allow Subscribers to Customize Tolerance Bands Within Eclipse
With this recent development, strategists will now have the capability to empower subscribing users of their models with the flexibility to customize tolerance bands beyond those set by the model manager.
The option for subscribers to personalize tolerance bands offers benefits to both strategists and subscribing users of Communities. Strategists will now have the opportunity to engage with a previously untapped audience whose trading style may not align with the fixed bands provided. Subscribing users, on the other hand, gain the ability to broaden their selection of Communities models that suit their trading preferences, while also having the option to tailor current models to further optimize their trading processes.
This feature introduces enhanced flexibility for all users of Communities, facilitating a deeper level of customization in model management.
How to get there: (Strategist): Communities Dashboard > Models > Pick model > Attributes > Allow Alternative Tolerance Bands
How to get there: (Subscriber): Eclipse Dashboard > Strategies > Security Sets > Pick model > Select Tolerance Type
How to enable: Feature is available by default within Communities. Default setting is set to NOT allowing alternative tolerance bands on model0799-OAT-4/3/2024
Eclipse: Intraday Prices in Tactical Tool (4/17)
Coming Soon: Intraday Prices in Tactical Tool
🚀 Exciting News Incoming!
We're thrilled to announce a game-changing enhancement coming your way soon: Intraday Security Prices in our Tactical Trading Tool. Current intraday pricing users will now enjoy the benefits of instant pricing updates on all holdings and trades within the tactical tool.**
Here's what to expect as this rolls out within the next month:
- Real-Time Updates: Watch your portfolio calculations dynamically adjust with every fluctuation in security prices.
- Enhanced Accuracy: Say goodbye to lag and hello to precision with real time pricing data.
Stay tuned!
How to enable: Once available, this feature will be turned on automatically; no action is needed on your part.
** Users set up on 15-minute delayed prices will receive 15-minute delayed prices, not real time.
Eclipse: Introducing "Portfolio Max Gain" Template (4/26)
Introducing "Portfolio Max Gain" Template
We're excited to announce the Portfolio Max Gain template is now live in Custom Imports! This import allows you to set and update your portfolio max gain, carryforward loss and max short-term gain settings in mass at the portfolio level.
This import can also be used to clear values from Carryforward Loss and Max Gain Amount to facilitate a smooth start to the new year.
How to get there: Eclipse > Custom Imports > Portfolio Max Gain Template
Support Article: Custom Imports in Orion Trading Eclipse Overview1004-OAT-4/24/2024
Eclipse: New Buy and Sell Order Entry Columns (4/26)
New Buy and Sell Order Entry Columns in Tactical Tool
We are excited to announce a new feature in the tactical tool's holding and trades grid that simplifies the order entry process, eliminating the need to enter negative symbols for sell orders, thereby improving efficiency and reducing the risk of errors.
- Users can now input buy and sell orders separately in dedicated "Buy $" and "Sell $" columns.
- A positive value can be entered in both fields. A negative value for sell trades is no longer necessary when using the new Sell $ column.
- When entering a value in the "Buy $" column, the corresponding "Trade $" column will automatically populate with a positive value equal to the amount entered. Similarly, when entering a value in the "Sell $" column, the "Trade $" column will automatically populate with a negative value equal to the amount entered.
- Only one trade type (buy or sell) can be entered at a time. If a buy trade is entered first, and then a trade is entered, the previously entered buy trade will be discarded so that the most recent sell trade entered is used.
The existing functionality of the "Trade $" column remains unchanged, allowing users to directly input buy or sell orders using positive or negative values, respectively.
How to get there: Eclipse > Tactical Tool > Holding & Trade Details > Add the Buy $ and Sell $ columns > Enter a positive value in either column
Mobile App: Upload Files via Document Vault (3/25)
Ability for Clients and Advisors to Upload Files via Document Vault
With this development, mobile app users may create folders as well as upload files to their Document Vault.
Users may also delete manually uploaded (non Orion-generated) files.
How to get there: Orion Wealth Management Portal > Select from Client List > Menu > Document Vault > New Folder / Upload File
How to enable: Orion Connect > Orion Planning > Open Record > Configure Access > Toggle on Document Vault > Save & Preview
New Data Interface: Infovisa (4/26)
Receive Your Infovisa Account Data Through A Daily File Download
Infovisa delivers daily data files for accounts on the Maui trust accounting platform. This data feed will support your trust accounting needs and allows for Principal and Income reporting. We receive holding, transaction, account, price, security, and cost basis data through the daily file sets.
Interface Guide & Setup - Infovisa (Maui) - EXTERNAL | Knowledge | Salesforce
How to enable: The SME Recon Team For Steps To Establish A Feed
New Data Interface: Voya (4/26)
Receive Your Voya Account Data Through A Monthly File Download
Voya delivers a monthly set of files that include holding, account, price, and security data. This data feed encompasses retirement accounts, insurance policies, and annuity contracts.
Interface Guide & Setup - Voya (VRIAC) - EXTERNAL | Knowledge | Salesforce
How to enable: The SME Recon Team For Steps To Establish A Feed
Portfolio Interactions: Designate Favorite Reports (4/12)
Designate Favorite Reports in Portfolio View Run Report Modal
The Run Report modal in Portfolio View has been updated to allow you to designate favorite reports. Simply click on the star next to each report to select or deselect that report as a favorite. Once you select your favorite reports, these will automatically move to the top of your Reports list whenever you open the Run Report modal.
Any reports that you have designated as favorites in Reporting on the Reports Page will now also reflect as favorites in the Run Report modal.
How to get there: Orion Connect > Portfolio View> Settings> Run Report
Redtail CRM: Bubble Attendee View (4/5)
Option for Bubble Attendee View
Based on user feedback, Redtail CRM users now have the ability to choose if they want to view activity attendees in color coded bubbles or in the “Classic” view.
We want our users to know that we are listening to their feedback. Some users did not like the color coded bubbles. So, we are giving users the option to choose between which view they’d like.
In order to change the activity attendee view, navigate to the Preferences menu which can be accessed through the dropdown when selecting the user’s name in the top right corner of the page. Once in the Preferences menu, you will see the option named “Allow Attendee Bubble View”.
If you select “Yes” to this option, in the calendar, you will see activity attendees as color coded bubbles.
If you select “No” to the option, you will not see activity attendees as color coded bubbles.
March 2024
Advisor Portal: Enhanced Tracking of Bundles for E-Signature (3/1)
Enhanced Tracking of Bundles Submitted for E-Signature via Forms Library and New Account Opening
We have enhanced the advisor experience in Advisor Portal to automatically create an associated service request when an advisor submits a bundle for e-signature from the New Account Opening workflow or Forms Library. This gives advisors one consistent, standardized way to track the status and progress of all bundles submitted to Docusign regardless of where that submission originated. Previously, only bundles submitted through the Service Request Tool were trackable within the Advisor Portal. Now, all submissions will appear in the Service Request dashboard.
How to get there: Orion Advisor Portal > Servicing > Servicing Requests
How to Enable: Orion Advisor Portal (login as Admin user) > Super Admin > Servicing > there are new toggles for “Create Servicing Request for E-sign in Forms Library” and “Create Servicing Request in New Account Wizard when using E-sign”
Client Portal: Transactions Tab at Household Level (3/8)
Transactions Tab Now Available at the Household Level
This feature was built to allow clients to view their transactions in the client portal at additional levels besides just the account level. Clients will now be able to view their transactions at the household level as well as the different managed account grouping levels. With this update, reviewing specific transactions across different accounts will now be much easier for clients.
How to get there: Orion Connect > Client Portal > Personal Finances > Transactions Tab
Communities: Custom Date Range Pulls (3/8)
Custom Date Range Pulls
Strategist users now have the ability to pull custom date ranges within Communities.
- Previously date range exports were fixed to 7-day, 30-day and 1 year
- This caused issues pulling exact date on dashboard exports as well as dates past a 1-year mark
- Strategist users now will have the same functionality of the 7/30/1-year export along with the ability to pick a custom date range of their choosing
How to get there: Communities (strategist) > Dashboard > Export > Modal will pop up
Eclipse: API Change for Portfolios and Accounts Lists (3/1)
Breaking API Change for Portfolios and Accounts Lists
We previously removed Portfolio Trading Instructions from the Portfolio Details page in December 2023. On March 22, 2024, we will be removing Account Trading Instructions from the Account Details as this information is available to you in the Notes section of Account Details.
On or around April 26, 2024, we will have the following breaking API changes to remove the Trading Instructions field from these endpoints.
Portfolio Trading Instructions will be removed from:
- Portfolio list – /api/v2//Portfolios/GetPorfolioList
- Portfolio details – /api/v2/Portfolio/Portfolios/{portfolioID}
- Tactical Tool – /api/v2/Tactical/PortfolioSummary
Account Trading Instructions will be removed from:
- Account list – /api/v2/Account/Accounts/list
- Account details – /api/v2/Account/Accounts/{accountID}
- Orders list - /api/v2/TradeOrder/Trades
Going forward these can be retrieved and updated by using Notes and the below endpoints.
- api/v2/notes?relatedId=123&relatedType=16
In the above example, 123 is the PortfolioID, and 16 corresponds to the Portfolio level.
Account level notes can be retrieved through the below endpoint:
- api/v2/notes?relatedId=456&relatedType=32
In the above example, 456 is the AccountID, and 32 corresponds to the Account level
Please note, Account Trading Instructions entered on an account in Orion Connect will continue to sync to an account level note in Eclipse. These can be identified in the API response when orionConnectNote is set to true.
To review API documentation for Eclipse, please click here.
Eclipse: Initiate Partial Imports (3/1)
Initiate Partial Imports from Eclipse
We have added the ability to initiate partial imports from Eclipse without having to navigate to Orion Connect. This allows you to update information in Eclipse if needed without navigating to Orion Connect. This can be done at either the portfolio or account level and can be done in mass to address import errors.
For Import Errors:
- Eclipse Overview > Import Errors > Actions > Resync Accounts from Orion Connect
- This will kick off a partial for every account included in the import errors log. If any sleeves are included, the import will include the entire registration.
At the Portfolio level:
- From Portfolio’s Grid:
- Select Portfolio(s) > Actions > Sync Accounts from Orion
- From Portfolio Details:
- Actions > Sync Accounts from Orion
At the Account level:
- From Account’s Grid:
- Select Account(s) > Actions > Sync From Orion
- From Account Details:
- Actions > Sync From Orion
- Please note: If the account is sleeved, the partial will include all accounts in the sleeved registration.
- Actions > Sync From Orion
Eclipse: Mass Block Editing (3/8)
Mass Edit of Blocks in Eclipse
We're thrilled to introduce a new feature in Eclipse that allows for mass editing of blocks. This enhancement enables users to select blocks with matching Action and Ticker and edit all details, including Algos, in one go.
With this new capability, there's no longer a need to edit each block individually to apply Algos or set a limit price. Users can now edit details such as executing broker, allocation destination, order type, limit price, stop price, duration, qualifier, discretionary, and algorithms per executing broker in a more efficient workflow for managing blocks within Eclipse.
How to get there: Eclipse > Trades > Blocks > Select multiple blocks with matching Action and Ticker > Right click > Edit
Eclipse: Astro Optimization Status Update (3/15)
Astro Optimization Status Pop-Up Updated for a Better User Experience
- Added minimize button which would let the user minimize the pop up and open it any time to see the optimization status.
- Added a new button call view batch(Before adding this button, once optimization is done the control automatically goes to Astro batches grid, when it comes to large batches optimization(batch with 100+ accounts), then optimization takes a while to complete so meanwhile advisors can do additional functionalities for eg: rebalance a few accounts, but if the optimization get completed then it automatically takes us to astro batches grid and if the advisor was in the middle of another task that would be lost. With this new button the decision is advisors to view the batch completed or check it later.
How to get there: Eclipse > Select Astro Accounts > Run optimization
Orion Compliance: Post-Trade Supervision (3/15)
Post-Trade Supervision (New Feature)
Post Trade Supervision provides eye-in-the-sky post-trade Compliance of client activity. Automatically gain key insights into concentration limits, high cash, low trade volume, leveraged investments, and more. Streamline post-trade Compliance by leveraging a broad range of customizable rules and harnessing the power of the Orion ecosystem.
Description Items to Address:
- Eye-in-the-sky post-trade compliance of client activity.
- Allow firms to monitor client activity based on firm-specific investment rules.
- Automatically notify reps that corrective action may be needed.
- Create custom supervision rules specific to your firm’s investment policies or edit pre-made rules for a seamless setup.
- Monitor client accounts on an ongoing basis.
- Create compliance user-specific dashboards to monitor.
- Create supervision rules using the “Rule Editor”.
- Snooze notifications and review the timeline of events.
- Automate Rep reviews.
How to get there: Orion Connect > Orion Compliance > Client Oversight > Supervision
How to enable: Must have Orion Compliance enabled, Reach out to the *SME Compliance* team who turns the feature on
Orion Connect: Enhanced Fee Pending Transactions (3/1)
Enhanced Fee Pending Transaction Creation for Sleeves (Effective March 1st)
Having accurate and timely fee pending transactions ensures advisors have up-to-date information for billing and reporting purposes. We are thrilled to introduce enhancements to the pending fee transaction creation process, ensuring comprehensive coverage for all accounts using the "Create Fee Pending for Direct/Indirect Pay Methods" entity option. This enhancement expands functionality to include Custodial Accounts, Contribution Sleeves, Distribution Sleeves, and Canceled Sleeves, optimizing fee management and ensuring accurate pending creation.
Please note that:
- Pending transactions will not be created if the pay method is check, credit card, ACH, Non Managed or Special Instructions (no change to existing behavior).
- Pending transactions will be created for direct and indirect paying relations.
- Fee credit transactions will be generated for accounts with negative fee amounts, enhancing accuracy in fee processing.
- Each pending transaction created will include the Bill Instance ID in the tranlinkcode field for improved tracking and reference. This field is primarily used for Orion processing, but can be referenced by some advisors and integration partners.
How to get there: Orion Connect > Firm Profile
How to enable: If your firm currently uses sleeves, this will be automatically enabled for you starting March 1. If you have any questions on this new feature, please reach out to the SME Billing Team.
Orion Planning: Pulse Check (3/18)
Utilize the ingredients of human flourishing to inform the power of goals-based planning with PulseCheck. Goals-based planning is powerful, and people are starved for meaning and purpose in their lives. We built PulseCheck to bridge the gap between the meaning & purpose by way of goals-based financial planning.
64% of financial planning clients don’t feel they have anyone to talk to about their money, including their advisor. This tool helps advisors normalize relationship-deepening conversations by making it a part of the goals-based financial planning process.
This tool allows advisors to better understand their clients’ motivations and provide valuable insights about how to best achieve greater fulfillment by setting financial goals informed by a quick, elegant analysis of meaning and purpose.
This new feature includes:
- Dedicated PulseCheck workflow that can be distributed at advisor discretion.
- Stack ranking exercise where users rank six wellness categories from most to least important to them (happiness, engagement, advancement, relationships, truth, strength).
- Fulfillment assessment. Users rate their fulfillment from unfulfilled to fulfilled in each of the six categories.
- Results page: We locate the lowest ratio of fulfillment-to-importance and surface that category as a suggested goal-setting candidate.
- Goal Setting Flow: Users can set financial and non financial goals in order to address the surfaced category.
- Integration: goals are integrated into our cash flow engine. Users can see the netting distributions and expenses on the cash flow report, and they can see auto-generated action steps.
How to get there: Orion Connect > Orion Planning > Profile > Goals Input > PulseCheck
How to enable: Reach out to the *Financial Planning Service Team* with any questions
Portfolio Interactions: Custom Dates on Portfolio View Cards (3/15)
Custom Dates on Portfolio View Cards
We have added the ability for Portfolio View cards to have a different date range than the date the Portfolio View is set to. This allows our users to set date ranges to cards and have them remain static when modifying the date range for the Portfolio View. With view customization now available, users can also have multiples of cards with differing date ranges.
How to get there: Orion Connect > Portfolio View > Edit Card (three dot menu) > Period
Portfolio Interactions: Portfolio View Card Sizing (3/15)
Portfolio View Card Size Modification
To help you better customize your Portfolio View personal and shared views, we have added the ability to adjust card sizing. Cards can now be adjusted to take up half or full screen width.
How to get there: Orion Connect > Portfolio View > Edit Card (three dot menu) > Make Half/Full Width
Redtail Cloud Data: Orion + AWS Redshift Data Sharing (3/1)
Exciting News: Enhanced Data Dictionary and Entity Relationship Diagram Now Available in Our Support App!
We are thrilled to announce a significant enhancement to our product documentation. Understanding the critical role that accessible, comprehensive data documentation plays in your experience, we have taken a step forward to enhance your convenience and access to vital information.
What's New?
- Integrated Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD): Dive deep into the structure of our read-only views with our newly-integrated ERD. This visual representation will help you better understand the interrelationships between data entities, making it easier for your team to navigate and utilize our product effectively.
- Extensive Product Documentation: We've expanded our documentation within our Support app, providing detailed insights into every view that we are sharing. This extensive resource is designed to answer your questions, guide you through the attributes and also a handful of use cases describing when and how you can use these views, to optimize your use of our platform.
Why the Change?
Your feedback is invaluable to us, and we've heard your concerns loud and clear. The previous reliance on Google Docs for our data dictionary posed challenges for some of our clients, including accessibility issues and restrictions within certain enterprise environments. In response, we've transitioned to a more integrated, secure, and universally accessible solution within our Support app. The google doc does still coexist and will be updated with our day-to-day enhancements.
Benefits for You:
- Enhanced Accessibility: Access our data dictionary and ERD directly within our support app, bypassing any external platform restrictions you may have faced.
- Improved Usability: With the ERD and comprehensive documentation housed in one central location, you'll find it easier to get the information you need, when you need it.
- Greater Security: Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your access to sensitive data documentation is protected within our secure Support app environment.
Getting Started:
To access the new ERD and product documentation, simply log in to our support app and navigate to the documentation homepage. Here, you'll find everything you need at your fingertips.
We are committed to continually enhancing our product and the resources available to you. This update is a reflection of our dedication to your success and the direct result of your valuable input.
Thank you for being a part of our community and for your ongoing support. We're excited for you to experience these enhancements and look forward to hearing your feedback!
Redtail: Updates to the CRM Calendar (3/8)
Updates to the Redtail CRM calendar
We’re making several significant changes to the Redtail CRM calendar based on feedback from our users. The changes are designed to make our calendar simpler to view as well as easier to use and organize. Below are the changes made:
Attendees on a meeting will now be visible in an activity on the calendar through colored circles with the attendee's initials in the circle.
Users have the ability to select the color of the circle for each attendee via the “Change Calendar Colors” page. To select new colors for an attendee’s circle, navigate to the Actions dropdown menu on the calendar, select the Change Colors option and then select the Attendees tab.
NOTE: Color selections function independently for each Redtail CRM login. As an example, User A can select different colors for attendees of an activity in their login to Redtail CRM and user B can log in to the same Redtail CRM database and select different colors without affecting user A’s color selections.
We’ve made other changes to the time selection and filtering functions on the Redtail calendar based on your feedback so the page is easier to navigate. Below are the key changes made:
- The dropdown menu to the navigation page has been removed and replaced with arrows on either side of the viewable date range for simpler movement.
- The calendar filter option has been moved to the right side of the page to reduce clutter and the potential for a “misclick”.
- The “today” button has been replaced with a calendar icon to create more space.
- The “filter” option has been moved to the right side of the page.
Reporting: Two New Report-Building Features (3/8)
Two New Features for Quick and Easy Report Building!
We are excited to announce the release of two new features in the Report Builder: Report Templates and a Simple Table Editor. These additions to our Reporting suite were designed and developed based on real world feedback from our advisors, providing a more intuitive report building experience.
Our new Report Template library offers well-designed and varied report templates that will give you a solid starting point when building a report. You will also notice report thumbnails, which is a new way to preview an image of a Report and a Report Template.
- Choose your Report Template from a library of thumbnail preview images
- Save a Report Template as a favorite by clicking on its star button.
- Turn your Custom Reports into Report Templates for you and others to use!
- Choose from a robust selection of new Sub-Reports to add to your reports. Use them as is or customize them further as you would like.
How to get there: Orion Connect> Reporting> Reports
Note: Users with Report Builder- Advanced Editor access will see Report Templates. To enable for additional users update the Report Templates privilege for the specific role assigned.
Use the new Simple Table Editor (beta) for an easier and more streamlined way to build Sub-Reports.
- Build tables faster through a simplified drop-down menu.
- Easily add columns by clicking on the plus sign icon and arrange them by drag and dropping.
- Easily add data tags and update settings at the column level rather than for each individual cell.
- Find what you need faster with newly categorized columns and rows.
How to get there: Orion Connect> Reporting> Reports> Sub-Reports> New Sub-Report> Tables drop down> Simple Table Editor
Note: Users with Sub-Report Editor access will see the Simple Table. The existing Grouping Table option is still available for users who desire a more advanced report building experience. To enable the advanced grouping table users must have Report Builder – Advanced Editor access.
February 2024
Client Portal: Display Advisor Transaction Notes (2/9)
Ability to Display Advisor Transaction Notes in the Client Portal
This feature was built so advisors could add in custom transaction notes in the client portal. In situations where a client holds unique securities or an account that has unique activity, this is a helpful way for advisors to communicate specific details around a transaction to their clients.
Clients will now see a tooltip next to any transactions in the client portal that have advisor notes added to them. They can hover over the tooltip and read the advisor notes to better understand the transaction.
How to get there: Orion Connect > Client Portal > Personal Finances > Select Account > Transactions Tab
How to enable: Orion Connect > Client Experience > Portfolio > Show Transaction Notes
How to add transaction notes: Orion Connect > Portfolio Audit > Select Household or Account > View Transactions > Advisor Notes
Communities: Subscriber UI Update (2/14)
Search and Model Comparison Experience for Subscribers
An upgraded subscriber experience awaits! Communities subscribers will gain access to a thoroughly revitalized interface, featuring enhanced search functionality and model comparison capabilities. The enhanced search ensures a dynamic solution for users, facilitating efficient filtering, searching, and favoriting of models and views within Communities.
With the introduction of Model Comparison, users can now seamlessly view Communities models in a side-by-side comparison, allowing for a direct assessment of key attributes and ratios of each model. These integrated features have been meticulously crafted to deliver a smooth and comprehensive user experience, facilitating research and subscription within the expansive realm of models available in the Communities universe.
Data: Amazon Redshift (2/9)
Cloud Data (Redshift Data Sharing)
As part of our ongoing commitment to enhancing our services, we're excited to update you on the upcoming migration of our Orion AWS legacy account to a new AWS account. Along with many other benefits, this migration will enable us to take advantage of a standardized approach to disaster recovery and business continuity planning, to offer our clients maximum stability and greater confidence. We're thrilled to share that we're approaching the final stages of this migration.
Migration Schedule:
- When: April 8th - April 11th
- How: In the coming weeks, our dedicated Orion cloud data team will provide you with easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions. These guidelines will help you seamlessly transition to the new data share, ensuring minimal disruption.
Your Role and Required Actions
Please take note that the legacy data share will be terminated starting April 12, 2024. To make this transition as efficient and cost-effective as possible, we kindly request all clients to follow the provided support document and adhere to the outlined timelines during the 3-day transition period.
Support and Assistance
Our cloud data team is here for you! Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the migration, please reach out to us at cloudDataSupport@orion.com. We are committed to providing the support you need throughout this process.
Stay tuned for more information
Look out for additional resources to aid you before and during the transition. Our goal is to make this migration as smooth as possible, ensuring zero interruption to your business operations.
We sincerely appreciate your patience and understanding during this period of transition. Thank you for your continued partnership with Orion.
Eclipse: Updated Securities and Security Sets Endpoints (2/2)
Eclipse: Securities and Security Sets Endpoints Updated
The below endpoints in Eclipse have been updated to allow securities to be added to Eclipse, when that security already exists in Orion Connect.
- POST https://baseurl/v1/security/securities - API users can use a symbol to add a security that exists in Orion Connect, and has yet to be added to Eclipse.
- POST https://baseurl/v1/security/securityset
- PUT https://baseurl/v1/security/securityset/:id
In addition, the Security Set Import tool in Eclipse can now be used to target securities that exist in Orion Connect, and have yet to be added to an Eclipse database.
Eclipse/Communities: TLH Alternates (2/2)
Eclipse/Communities: TLH Alternates for Community Security Sets
On February 1, 2024, new development will be released for Community Security Sets in Eclipse which allows the Strategist to manage tax loss harvesting (“TLH”) alternates at either the model or security level. Strategists will also have the option of allowing TLH alternates to be managed by the subscriber.
- When TLH alternates are managed by the strategist at the model level, the strategist can specify up to three TLH alternates that are applied to each targeted security.
- When TLH alternates are managed by the strategist at the security level, the strategist can specify up to three TLH alternates per targeted security.
- When the strategist allows the subscriber to manage the TLH alts, within Security Set Details in Eclipse, you can use the Add TLH button to add a TLH alternates to targeted securities across the board, or you can set TLH individually at the security level.
- In Communities > All Models, you can reference the “TLH Managed” column to view which option the strategist has selected.
For more information on using TLH Alternates as a subscriber, click here.
For more information on using TLH Alternates as a Strategist, click here.
Operations Experience: Ticker-Based Fee Schedule Assignment (2/16)
Introducing Ticker-Based Fee Schedule Assignment
We're excited to introduce a new feature that enables users to assign fee schedules to tickers, providing enhanced flexibility to meet advisors' billing needs. This development allows for precise billing management at the asset level, ensuring accurate invoicing for each ticker within an account.
Key Features
- Additional Assignment Type: An additional Assignment Type for Asset Level Fee Schedules, labeled "Ticker," is introduced after Asset Category.
- Ticker Assignment: Users can assign a fee schedule to a specific ticker by selecting the Ticker option and adding the desired ticker from a dropdown menu.
- Fee Schedule Management: Once a ticker is selected, users can assign a fee schedule to it, ensuring accurate billing based on the asset's ticker.
- Billing General Tab: When navigating to the Billing General tab on the account editor, users will find the Ticker option listed under Asset Level Fee Schedules.
- Assigning Tickers: Upon selecting Ticker as the Assignment Type, users can add tickers and assign fee schedules by choosing from the options in the dropdown menu.
Billing Process:
- When creating a bill for the account, tickers with assigned fee schedules will be billed accordingly.
- Assets without specific ticker-based fee schedules will be billed using the account-level fee schedule.
How to Get There:
- Orion Connect > Billing Audit > Double Click on an Account > Billing > General > Fee Schedule
- Orion Connect > Portfolio Audit > Double Click on an Account > Billing > General > Fee Schedule
Orion Connect: Custom Benchmarks in Risk Calculations (2/23)
Utilize Custom Benchmarks in Risk Calculations
We have added an enhancement to allow for assigning a blended benchmark as the statistical market index and the risk free rate.
Previously, with risk statistic calculations in Orion, only a standard index could be assigned and used in the calculation. With this new feature, you can now calculate a more precise risk stat with a much more comparable benchmark .
How to get there: Orion Connect > Portfolio Audit > Accounts > Edit Account > Options > Performance Calculator
Portfolio Interactions: Inception Date in Portfolio View (2/2)
Inception Date Column in Portfolio View
We’ve added a column for Inception Date to two of our Portfolio View cards to give you better insight into your client data. This column will be disabled by default and is available to be enabled in the Performance Detail and Portfolio Detail cards.
How to get there: Portfolio View > Performance Detail or Portfolio Detail cards > Columns
Redtail CRM: Clarity for Risk Score Source (1/25)
Clarity for Risk Score Source in Redtail CRM
A question that users consistently ask is “from where does the risk score displayed in Redtail CRM derive?”
Growth users who have linked their contacts to Orion Planning will now be able to easily see from where the risk score displayed in the contact header derives. There will now be a “hover over” message for contacts that have “N/A” displayed in Redtail CRM as their risk score. The hover over message will read "Risk score is derived from Orion Planning. The Orion Planning risk tolerance questionnaire must be completed in order for a risk score to populate for your contact. Click here to learn more."
The sentence "Click here to learn more." links to the article https://orionadvisorservices.my.site.com/OrionSupportApp/s/article/Risk-Tolerance-Questionnaire. This will help reduce questions to service regarding the risk score, where it comes from and how to have it added.
This should help reduce confusion for Redtail CRM clients.
January 2024
Client Portal: Improved Number Formatting (1/2)
Improved Number Formatting on the Portfolio Value vs. Net Amount Invested
- We improved the formatting of the numbers on the Y axis on this card to make it easier for users to view their portfolio values.
- With better spacing and number formatting, users will now notice a more consistent experience across the client portal and other reporting aspects of Orion.
How to get there: Orion Connect > Client Portal > Personal Finances > Summary > Portfolio Value vs. Net Amount Invested Card
Eclipse: Added "Bill Pay Method" (1/4)
Added "Bill Pay Method" Column to Account & Cash Details Section of Tactical
To provide users an easy way to see account-specific billing details across the entire portfolio.
Note: This column will not be enabled by default, so users will have to add this to their view.How to get there:
Eclipse > Tactical > Account & Cash Details SectionHow to enable:
Eclipse > Tactical > Account & Cash Details Section > Click on 'columns' > search for Bill Pay Method > Add column to the grid0070-OAT-1/10/2024
Financial Planning: Plan With 2024 Tax Number & Planning Assumptions (1/2)
Plan with Updated 2024 Tax Number and Planning Assumptions
- Each year, critical financial planning assumptions, contribution limits, standard deductions, contribution limits, among others, are indexed for inflation. We made these changes to ensure that advisors and investors have access to the most current financial planning assumptions.
- Changing these assumptions at the beginning of each calendar year ensures advisors and their clients can plan with confidence and can quickly and easily create and amend financial plans that are current and accurate.
- This eliminates the need for advisors to manually input values or adjust planning assumptions in order to keep the planning values current.
- Changes made:
- Standard deductions
- Retirement contributions limits
- HSA contribution limits
- Income tax schedules
How to get there: Orion Connect > Orion Planning
Financial Planning: Plan With 2024 Capital Market Assumptions (1/2)
Plan with Updated 2024 Capital Market Assumptions
- Each year, new forward-looking capital market assumptions are published, and each year, we add the newest CMAs to our list of available options for advisors to use for financial planning. We made these changes to ensure that advisors and investors have access to the most current capital market assumptions.
- Changing these assumptions at the beginning of each calendar year ensures advisors and their clients can plan with confidence and can quickly and easily create and amend financial plans that are current and accurate.
- This enhancement allows advisors the confidence that they are planning with the most current CMAs from leading research and analysis by JP Morgan.
- Changes made:
- 2024 JP Morgan CMAs are now default CMAs.
- Advisors who were using JP Morgan’s 2023 CMAS are automatically converted to 2024 CMAs.
How to get there: Orion Connect > Orion Planning > Application Settings > CMAs
Operations Experience: Sleeve Transfer (1/19)
The new Sleeve Transfer tool has a few updates to help give a better workflow experience:
- Ability to have better filtering capability to drill down in viewing data.
- On the Sleeve Transfer page, users can create their own default view by expanding and moving columns to customize a view to suit your needs.
- If you have a default view and want to add changes, select the “update view” button to save.
- The ability to search registrations, accounts and assets has been added to the Sleeve Transfer page. Please note switching to a new registration, account or asset will open a new page, and any updates to the current page will not be saved.
- Sleeve transfer tool is available at the rep level. Users can turn this on within the manager users app for rep level users.
How to get there: Orion Connect > Portfolio Audit: Registration, Accounts, Asset level > Right click: Sleeve Transfer
Privilege: Manage Users > Role > Privileges: Apps > Portfolio: Sleeve Transfer Portfolio > Enable
Important Dates for Sleeve Transfer
- 1/25/2024 - Eclipse users will be directed to the new Sleeve Transfer tool
- 2/29/2024 - Access to the legacy Sleeve Transfer will be sunset
- 3/28/2024 - API for the legacy Sleeve Transfer tool will be removed
Performance: Customize Date Ranges in Batch Performance (1/12)
Customize Date Ranges in Batch Performance to Return Monthly Performance Intervals
Advisors now have the option to run Batch Performance for a selected date range and return the Monthly Performance Intervals by using the "Monthly" check box.
Previously, Batch Performance could only be run for standard periods such as MTD, QTD.
With this change you can choose to run Batch Performance for a given year and it will give 12 monthly returns.
How to get there: Orion Connect > Batch Performance > Actions > New Batch > Click the Monthly Check Box
Portfolio Interactions: Portfolio View New Benchmark Settings (1/19)
Portfolio View: New Benchmark Setting
We have added a new card setting to the following cards in Portfolio View:
- Performance vs Benchmark
- Performance Summary
- Performance Detail
- Performance Chart
This setting is called Benchmark Settings and allows for the card to display either the benchmarks assigned to the entity or only the database default benchmarks. This update provides flexibility to our users to compare any entity to the database default benchmark in these Portfolio View cards.
How to get there: Orion Connect > Portfolio View > Card Settings 3 dot menu on applicable cards
Redtail: Proposal Button for Growth Plan Users (1/4)
For Growth Plan users, proposal button is available in the Quick Links menu
Redtail CRM is making the ability to create a proposal within the Orion Advisor Portal easier than ever. We're enhancing the ability to connect to the Advisor Portal proposal tool through the Quick Links menu in the CRM. Simply navigate to the Quick Links menu in Redtail CRM and select the “Proposal” option.
Redtail: Integrate Outlook or Microsoft 360 With Suite Sync (1/23)
Easily integrate your emails, contacts and calendars from Outlook or Microsoft 360 with Suite Sync
This functionality is the #1 piece of advisor feedback Redtail CRM receives; an easy way to sync their emails, contacts and calendars from their email accounts to Redtail CRM. We built this feature because we hear you!
Customers of the CRM Growth Plan offering will have access to our Suite Sync functionality which allows you to manage emails, contacts and calendar events in a singular platform.
- Email Sync: Customers will be able to experience a unified view of their emails that are linked via Suite Sync directly in the CRM. Emails sent or received via your email provider will be accessible in Redtail CRM. You can even set Redtail CRM to be able to send emails from your external email account in Redtail.
- Calendar Sync: Customers will be able to easily manage their calendar events in either their external email provider or Redtail CRM and sync their events in either platform.
- Contact: Customers will be able to share contact information from Redtail CRM to their external email account or vice versa.
Here is a link to a Redtail Support article on how to enable Suite Sync and more details about the feature: https://support.redtailtechnology.com/s/article/How-To-and-Overview-Suite-Sync
Developed for Microsoft 365 at launch with Google Suite soon to follow.
Trading: User Experience Updates in Eclipse (1/5)
User Experience Updates in Eclipse
To provide you with a better user experience in Eclipse, we recently made the following changes on the platform:
- Notes Audit History – we’ve added a section for Notes Audit History to the Portfolio and Account Audit History pages, so you can easily view when notes were added and edited, and by whom.
- Sleeve Contribution % and Sleeve Distribution % were added as columns to the Portfolios and Accounts grids.
- The right-click menu on the Accounts grid is now updated to include icons for each action, and is organized into sections so you can more easily locate links in the menu.
How to get there: Eclipse > Portfolios > Right-click a portfolio > View Audit History
How to get there: Eclipse > Accounts > Right-click an account > View Audit History
How to get there: Eclipse > Portfolios > Columns > Sleeve Contribution %, Sleeve Distribution %
How to get there: Eclipse > Accounts > Columns > Sleeve Contribution %, Sleeve Distribution %0019-OAT-1/3/2024
Trading: Add Restricted Plan Securities to Tactical Tool (1/19)
Add Restricted Plan Securities to Tactical Tool
A new workflow was recently added to the Tactical Tool in Eclipse for accounts that have a Restricted Plan assigned. Within the Account and Cash Details section, you can right-click the account row where a Restricted Plan is assigned and choose View Restricted Plan.
From there, the securities that are available within the Restricted Plan will be listed in a popup window. To add one or more securities that are available within the plan to the Tactical Tool, you can select those securities from the list and choose Add Securities to Tactical.
How to get there: Eclipse > Portfolios > Tactical Tool > Account and Cash Details > right click an account assigned to a Restricted Plan > View Restricted Plan