Onboarding Billing Checklist

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Main Billing Contact at your Firm
Your Orion Account Manager

Basic Billing Information

Indicate 1 - 30.
Billing Style
If you bill quarterly as of 6/30, the period would be April - June.
If you bill quarterly as of 6/30, the period would be July - Sept.
Billing Frequency
Select all that apply.
Billing Cycle

Note: Monthly billed accounts will always be Month 1.
Select all that apply.

Quarterly Month 1 = Jan 1 – Mar 31
Quarterly Month 2 = Feb 1- Apr 30
Quarterly Month 3 = Mar 1- May 31
Other Cycle(s) option is used for billing frequencies other than monthly and quarterly, such as semi-annual/annual, and uses off-cycle billing (ie. Semi-Annual Month 4 = Apr 1- Oct 31).
Billing Calculation Method
Days in Cycle factors in the actual days, so the calculation would change depending on days in the period.
Divide by Bill Frequency calculates by dividing the annual rate by the cycle. Monthly would divide by 12 and quarterly would divide by 4.
Valuation Method
Period Ending refers to billing on the value of the account on the last day of the quarter.
Average Daily Balance means taking an average of the account's value each day of the prior month/quarter.
Average Monthly Balance means taking the average of the period ending value of 3 months.
Pay methods

Select all that apply.

Check Pay method is for clients who write a check to pay for fees.