Unless you’re a scriptwriter on The Simpsons, you probably shouldn’t be trying to predict the future. One quick survey found that the long-running television show got at least 18 future events correct before they happened.

We all know predicting the future is not only hard—it’s really not possible. But that doesn’t mean we can’t make accurate assumptions about life tomorrow.

One of those assumptions we feel good about? That humans will keep pushing their capabilities to the max and innovating.

In today’s Strategist Spotlight, we’re featuring Main Management and their Thematic Innovation Rotation strategy, which, in their words, attempts to incorporate “exposure to where the puck is going.”

Get to Know Main Management

A pioneer in managing all ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) portfolios, Main Management, LLC is committed to delivering liquid, transparent, and cost-efficient investment solutions to family offices and institutional investors.

By combining the investment insights of experienced industry professionals with smart implementation vehicles, Main Management offers a unique approach that translates into distinct advantages for their clients.

Their principal goal is to deliver core solutions that outperform a stated benchmark in a tax aware manner so clients get to keep more of their investment returns.

The firm takes an investor-centric approach with a focus on generating strong post-fee, post-tax results. 

Main Management specializes in serving institutional investors. In addition, its partners maintain significant investments in the firm's investment strategies.

Investment Strategy Quick Facts

  • Main Management’s Thematic Innovation Rotation is a growth-oriented global equity strategy. 
  • The Thematic Innovation Rotation chooses from innovations like genomics, fintech, e-commerce, cyber security, clean energy, cloud computing, robotics and AI, gaming and esports, pet care, and autonomous technology.
  • The Thematic Innovation strategy uses ETFs that aim to identify themes and innovations that appear to be disruptive and present an enormous market opportunity.
  • Main performs fundamental research on factors like Price to Earnings Ratio, P/E to Growth (PEG), Price to Book, and Price to Sales. In this research, Main seeks to uncover catalysts that should lead to long-term adoption of the technologies it monitors.

Models on Orion Portfolio Solutions

  • Main Management BuyWrite
  • Main Management Diversified Alternative
  • Main Management Moderate Model - ETF
  • Main Management Conservative Model - ETF
  • Main Management Moderately Aggressive Model - ETF
  • Main Management Aggressive Model ETF
  • Main Management Active Model - ETF
  • Main Management International
  • Main Management All Asset
  • Main Management Thematic Innovation Strategy
  • Main Management Yield Conservative

More from Main Management

Check out our Financial Advisor Success Hub, where you’ll find access to Main Management’s:
  • Thematic whitepaper, The Back Half of the Chessboard
  • Thematic Strategy metrics
  • Market commentary and insights
Click here to view “Thematic Innovation: Back Half of the Chessboard (1-min video)”!

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