Deliver a More Personalized Client Experience

Connect with Your Clients
– Even When They’re on the Go

Building strong connections with your clients is at the heart of your business.

Deliver a more connected, customizable experience that allows your clients to see every aspect of their financial lives — including financial planning, investment performance, spending, and document storage — all in one place, anytime, anywhere, with the Brinker Capital Investments Client Portal and mobile app.

Personal Finances

Quickly and easily see the most important parts of your client’s financial story, including net worth, transactions and progress on their financial plan.

Laptop featuring the client portal's personal finances screen

Client Overview

Dive deeper to understand more about your client’s performance. Check out information for various time frames including your client’s returns, market value, and allocations.

Laptop featuring the client overview page

Training Materials

Client Portal

We’ve created educational and instructional resources especially for you. Watch or review on your own time to learn more about the Client Portal.

Client Portal Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to the most frequently asked Client Portal questions.

Client Portal How-To Guide

Use this guide to familiarize yourself with some of the most common Client Portal workflows and features.

Client Portal Navigation Guide

Review this guide to compare navigation in the New Client Portal to the Legacy Client Portal.

Ascent Online Training Platform

Learn about the new Client Portal at your own pace by leveraging this collection of online courses.

Mobile App

Learn more about enhancing your client communication and engagement by going mobile with these helpful resources.

The Brinker Capital Mobile App can be downloaded from Google Play or the Apple App Store.

Client Portal Mobile App Overview

Explore the features available within the Client Portal Mobile application.

Mobile App Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to the most frequently asked Client Portal Mobile App questions.

Client Portal & Mobile App Investor-Facing Guide

Ensure your clients' successful adoption of the Client Portal Mobile app by sharing this client-friendly guide.

Resources to Help Your Clients

Download and personalize these materials to make your clients aware of the transition to the Client Portal.

Email Announcement Template

Use this templated email to introduce the Client Portal to your clients.

Presentation Template

Tailor this presentation to your firm and use it as a tool to introduce the Client Portal to your clients.

Fact Sheet Template

Customize this Client Portal Fact Sheet with your Firm's logo and contact information as a way to familiarize your clients with the new Client Portal.

How-To Guide Template

Provide your clients with step-by-step instructions so they can navigate the Client Portal with ease.

Supporting You Every Step of the Way

Looking for More
Personalized Guidance?

Our goal is to provide you with the right amount of training to navigate any technology change. For additional support, please reach out to your Service Team today.


Orion Portfolio Solutions, LLC d/b/a Brinker Capital Investments a registered investment advisor.

This information is prepared for general information only. It does not have regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation, and the particular needs of any specific person. This material does not constitute any representation as to the suitability or appropriateness of any security, financial product or instrument. There is no guarantee that investment in any program or strategy discussed herein will be profitable or will not incur loss. Investors should seek financial advice regarding the appropriateness of investing in any security or investment strategy discussed or recommended and should understand that statements regarding future prospects may not be realized. Investors should note that security values may fluctuate and that each security's price or value may rise or fall. Accordingly, investors may receive back less than originally invested. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. Individual client accounts may vary.