Get Scalable Growth

Spend time building your business, not portfolios. Reduce headcount, save time, and minimize risk with OCIO services — from manager due diligence, to portfolio monitoring and rebalancing, all the way to constructing customized portfolios.

Orion OCIO

Our Seven Rules
of Portfolio Construction

After auditing more than 5,000 investment accounts, we’ve identified seven key rules retail investors consistently neglect — and institutional investors always follow.

Orion Advisor working with client
Avoid Overlap

Overlapping styles and holdings, even among managers, can lead to closet indexing and increased costs — both of which may reduce returns.

Execute High Active Share

Employ high-active share managers or a low-cost indexing strategy — don’t get caught in the middle.

Leverage the Best Ideas

Access an active management strategy through concentrated managers — stocks with less than 40 or 50 holdings.

Avoid Comingling

Use managed accounts (SMAs) where possible rather than co-mingled fund products — especially in active strategies.

Avoid Turnover

Do all you can to eliminate unnecessary trading. Turnover in any portfolio is a silent killer — especially inside of co-mingled fund product. 

Know Your Junk

Allocate to fundamental, bottom-up managers with an extensive due diligence process and help enhance returns by avoiding fund managers that tend to own a lot of junk bonds.

Protect the Downside

Reduce drawdowns and help enhance long-term returns through managers that exhibit compelling downside capture metrics.


of high-net-worth clients think more highly of advisors using an institutional-level investment approach.¹


of investors agreed that an advisor using investments from third-party experts would have more time to understand their needs.¹
Orion Advisor working with client
All the Experience You Need

Maximize Your Team

Advisors today are trying to do it all. In fact, 89%¹ believe they need to provide extensive due diligence, research, and other high-touch services to support high-net-worth clients, spending up to 12.2 hours per week¹ on investment management and execution.

We work with you to understand the best ways to add horsepower so you can win business more effectively, and faster — including customized portfolios designed to meet each client’s unique needs, built and monitored by our experienced team of experts.

It’s All in the Numbers


advisor teams we support, including independent RIAs,

wirehouse breakaways, family offices,

regional banks, and national accounting firms.2

$3 billion

Of AUM across the teams we work with.

The advisory teams we support range from

$25mm to $3 billion of AUM.²


The average rate of firm growth our clients

have seen since partnering with us.²


of OCIO clients don’t have to learn or use

our technology — they trust us to do it for them.²

Orion Stacks
Introducing Orion Advantage

One Integrated UX. One Agreement. All the Power of Orion.

The Orion Advantage Stack is the newest way for you to seamlessly connect all the tools you need to propel productivity, delight your clients, and grow your firm.

Best of all, Advantage provides access to Orion OCIO — and with everything OCIO has to offer, there’s no shortage of potential for you to compete on a larger scale.

Portfolio Construction,
Front and Center.

Meet the needs of your clients with expertly-designed, customized portfolios.

Dig Deeper

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¹Source: Orion Research, July 2021. Orion’s Research Initiative maintained a +/- 2.9% margin of error among consumer investors across generations and a +/- 3.8% error rate among Financial Advisors. A mixed methodology was applied that included a robust base of more than 2000 constituents in the online surveys and dozens of in-depth interviews on the topic.

²Source: Proprietary Orion data, as of 7/28/2023.

OCIO services offered through TownSquare Capital, LLC, an Orion company, a registered investment advisor.

This information is prepared for general information only. It does not have regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation, and the particular needs of any specific person. This material does not constitute any representation as to the suitability or appropriateness of any security, financial product or instrument. There is no guarantee that investment in any program or strategy discussed herein will be profitable or will not incur loss. Investors should seek financial advice regarding the appropriateness of investing in any security or investment strategy discussed or recommended and should understand that statements regarding future prospects may not be realized. Investors should note that security values may fluctuate and that each security's price or value may rise or fall. Accordingly, investors may receive back less than originally invested. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. Individual client accounts may vary.