Communities Strategist Onboarding

"*" indicates required fields

Instructions: if the same fee will apply to all models, please just include the strategist fee. If there is a different fee for each model, please provide model names and associated fee
Strategist Theme
Brand Strategists $100B+ in Assets Under Administration
Boutique Strategists $2-100B in Assets Under Administration
Emerging Strategists < $2B in Assets Under Administration
Please list all users that should have access to manage your Communities Tile, this includes model allocations and marketing materials. At least one user must be added with a maximum of 10. 
Re-order First Name Last Name Weight Operations
more items
Please attach historical performance for each model, monthly, gross, since inception, in excel format
One file only.
64 MB limit.
Allowed types: csv, xls, xlsx.
During this call we will go over how to set up your tile, complete profile information, uploading marketing materials, reporting and how to manage model allocations and notifications.
In order to receive an ACH of our model fees from Orion, we must email the completed ACH form, a W-9 and a voided check to or by fax to 402-431-4441

Our firm will receive invoices from Orion for onboarding fees and quarterly model maintenance fees as outlined in our agreement. These invoices will be accessible via an Invoice App which requires a username to be created. Orion will use the name and email address entered above unless alternate contact(s) are requested using this email address